Showing 5 Result(s)
Open door

Knocking on doors and hearts

by Carmen Natera Hello everyone. Here I am, knocking on doors and hearts. We need everyone’s help to extend Ivonne’s life. She is my beloved friend, and much more than a friend, she is my sister. Who is Ivonne for me When I talk about Ivonne, my words are those of friendship, fellowship, solidarity and …

Prayer hands

Good things

We limit God with our prayers many times, don’t we? We come before him with our requests and seek Him with all of our hearts. We cry out for Him to open the doors we would like to see open before us, receive the answers to the questions we have and to give us exactly …

Ivonne's Fund Official Flyer

How else can you help?

Can you believe it? Almost 300 people have helped us raise the amazing sum of $72,560.00 in just 22 days. That is an average donation of $245 per person. This means that at this pace, we need another 520 donors like yourself to reach our goal. Isn’t that amazing! It is completely doable. It is …

Praying woman

Ivonne is an inspiration for me

First of all, she welcomed me  (an Argentinean who would have guessed) into her group of Venezuelan friends unconditionally, always with a smile, and with a great sense of humor!  She is really funny when telling jokes, by the way. When she still didn’t even know…

A diamond shines

She is…

She is the best example of wife, mother, sister and daughter any friend could have. Her heart is rare as a diamond willing to shine in the midst of darkness. Her willingness and…