You are the miracle

You are the miracle

It’s been eight days since Ivonne got her transplant. Her new organs, both liver and kidney, from a 22-year old young man, started to work immediately after the surgery and have been catching up with years of malfunctioning and accumulated toxins in her body.

Her creatinine, for example, a hormone used as the main indicator of kidney function, has come down from 6.0 before the surgery to 0.7; already within normal range. Her liver function is equally normal.

We understand that Ivonne’s story is nothing short of a miracle. A miracle with multiple dimensions and hidden lessons. A miracle like a river, becoming bigger and noisier with every stream and every contributor. A miracle that points back to you.

A miracle of science

Did you know that the first successful liver and kidney transplants were performed independently in 1963 and 1954, respectively? To put this into perspective, that was only 54 and 63 years ago, nothing compared to the 10,000 plus years of recorded human history.

The expertise of a multidisciplinary medical team composed of hepatologists, nephrologists, anesthesiologists, internal doctors, and specialist surgeons combined to perform a very successful surgery. The service and dedication of many ICU technicians, medical examiners and over 25 nurses combined to provide the best recovery-enabling environment.

Hospital Pablo Tobon Uribe prides itself as the hospital with a soul. They truly honor their commitment to the wholistic wellbeing of their patients through the attitude and honest concern of all, doctors, nurses, administrators, and even security personnel. They pour their hearts into others filtered by their passion for science.

Ivonne won her battle against polycystic organ decay thanks to a miracle of science.

A miracle from God

The doctors here will tell you: “we perform all of technical work, but life belongs to God.” He is the giver of life. He is the sustainer of life. “We can practice surgery, but only God can preserve life. We can’t do the healing.”

They even attributed their surgical success to God. The hepatic surgeon said after the surgery: “it was complicated, but It also was as if God himself was guiding our hands.”

When we shared the photos from the surgery with a friend, she said:

The real miracle was that Ivonne was able to live this long with these organs. God has sustained her through to this very moment.

We don’t share these pictures in public because they are not for the faint of heart, but if you are interested to see one of them, write back to us. You will see a picture of a true miracle. A miracle from God.

A miracle of community

When we started this trip to Colombia, we had no sense of urgency, no timeline, and no budget. We had been very diligent to get our health insurance to pay for it but they refused in several occasions to do so.

This is why we turned to our support community. And they turned to their support community, and theirs to theirs, and so on. Ivonne’ surgery has been possible because of your participation and monetary contributions.

During our first Ivonne’s Fund Yard Sale, someone came out sobbing:

There is so much love here! You can see it.

Did you know that love can be seen? That it is meant to be seen and not just felt?

We are forever grateful for each of you who gave and donated items, who came to our events, who cooked and sold, who reposted our messages or posted your own. All of you who prayed and sent us notes of encouragement. All of you who followed us through social and traditional media. You probably didn’t realize it at the time, but together we were creating a miracle of community.

Ivonne’s road to recovery is difficult and full of uncertainties, but the worst part lies behind us and we should all share in her victory, raise our hopes, and treasure our lessons. Her post-op inaugurates a new season for Ivonne, with its own challenges and needs. With new and invigorated plans. But she has you! Her community of miracle builders.


  1. Solo puedo decir wowwww es tan especial el amor Dios, ante eso nada.
    Gracias Ivonne porque tu representas a un Dios vivo en la tierra que hace milagros y que nos ama.
    Tu ejemplo es una puerta de salvación para miles.
    ¡Gloria a Dios!
    Que privilegio conocerlos y hacer parte de esto.
    Efectivamente podemos hacer cosas guiadas por Dios con frutos sorprendentes.
    Los queremos,
    Familia Gomez Valderrama

  2. ¡Estupendo! Como trabajo en un hospital, me gustaría ver las fotos de los órganos para aprendar mas sobre esta enfermedad. Gracias.

  3. ¡Gloria al Señor! No hay palabras para expresar la misericordia y el amor de Dios para con su pequeñita, seguimos orando y clamando al Señor que hace milagros para que Sus manos continúen sanando a Ivonne… Que Dios la bendiga y la mantega en su regazo
    ¡Los quiero y sigo orando!

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